Why Shakespeare?
I have loved watching Shakespeare’s plays since I first saw “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream” as a child. I thank my Mum for introducing me to his world of fairies and enchantment. I thank my English teachers at school for continuing this education, and my goal for this blog is to pass on this passion to you. Who are you? I hope you are not an expert in literature, you will quickly see that I am not. I hope you are someone who is willing to come on a journey for the…
Watch, Don’t Read!
Is Shakespeare still relevant? “Yes,” says actor Sir Ian McKellen. “Shakespeare more than any other writer who ever lived understood us. It’s almost as if he invented us, invented our emotions, our relationships, our difficulties we have getting on together…. the trouble with Shakespeare is it is very, very, very difficult to read.” In the same article from The Independent, Dame Helen Mirren even goes so far as to say that Shakespeare should not be taught in schools, and is adamant that a child’s first encounter should be through live theatre.…