
Why Shakespeare?

I have loved watching Shakespeare’s plays since I first saw “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream” as a child. I thank my Mum for introducing me to his world of fairies and enchantment. I thank my English teachers at school for continuing this education, and my goal for this blog is to pass on this passion to you.

Who are you? I hope you are not an expert in literature, you will quickly see that I am not. I hope you are someone who is willing to come on a journey for the next year as we travel together through the wonderful world that Shakespeare has created.

We will meet lovers, kings, emperors, clowns and of course fairies. There will be deception, jealousy, misunderstandings (lots of these) and a lot of laughter. Join me, as we experience every play he published, and encounter language wielded by a Master.

In the words of Stephen Brown from the Tedx talk “Why Shakespeare?….”:

” Unfold, listen and allow life and literature to touch you….”